Category Archives: Barotse News

2014 Easter Message

by BNFA Chairman General, Hon. Clement Wainyae Sinyinda

Beloved countrymen, women, youth and children of Barotseland at home and abroad as the world celebrates Easter this year, I want to share with you God’s love, “and he who abides in love abides in God, and God in him” 1 John 4:16. Read more

Barotseland Petition sends shivers and jitters in Zambian government circles

by Correspondent

 The Zambian government is said to be gripped by shivers and jitters after receiving the 258 page document of Forensic Evidence and Arguments from The African Commission of Human and Peoples Rights (ACHPR) earlier submitted by Barotseland to the ACHPR. The government is expected to respond to the Evidence and Arguments within a period that is believed to lapse on Saturday 22nd February, 2014. The Sata led PF government switched into panic mode this week as they realise that the time is slipping away without any tangible progress towards their response to the ACHPR. Read more

Barotseland Boundaries–The facts as established by recorded history

by Mutungulu Wanga,
BNFA Deputy Chairperson-General (Strategy & Diaspora Liaison)

This article discusses the thorny issue of the boundaries of Barotseland by exposing archive documents which help decipher the boundaries of the territory as at midnight 23rd October 1964, when the Republic of Zambia came into being by transformation of the former British Protectorates of Northern Rhodesia into an independent nation. Further, the archive documents are discussed by laying out their intent and demonstrating how they relate to the evolution of the boundaries of Barotseland as they exist today. This is preceded by a brief account of the status of Barotseland: firstly, as a constituent part of Northern Rhodesia; and secondly, as an integral part of Zambia up to 1969 when the unitary treaty cited as the Barotseland Agreement 1964 was arbitrarily and unilaterally terminated by the government of Zambia. Read more