Category Archives: Barotse News

JANUARY 14, 2014

by Mungandi wa Muwina Mungandi

 It’s exactly three years ago today (as I write) when, on that fateful ‘Black and Bloody Saturday’ of January 14, 2011, the Zambian aggressive and oppressive occupying forces ran amok on the peaceful and humble people on the streets of Mongu. The occupying forces caused havoc of unprecedented magnitude—killing several people, wounding and maiming many more as well as resulting in in disappearances of several others and damage to property. Two of our people were killed in cold blood near BP filling station. We now know, thanks to the Rodger Chongwe Commission of Inquiry, that 17 people died as a direct consequence of the skirmishes of that day and about five or so persons are yet to be accounted for. At this moment, please take a moment of silence as you go through the Register of January 14 Deaths and Missing. Also think about the Wounded and the numerous others traumatized and those whose lives were disrupted and forever destabilized as a result of the events of that day. Read more