Barotseland shall be economically viable and prosperous when independent


by Saleya Kwalombota

I am certain that Barotseland shall be an economically viable and prosperous country as compared to its' current economic stagnation brought about by Zambian mismanagement and silent policy of impoverishing the region. In fact, the high poverty levels works to the advantage of Zambia as it allows them to keep control of the Litunga and his Likombwa (stewards) through financial hand-outs in exchange for frustrating the Barotse National Council Resolutions of 2012. It's unfortunate that our old-age Monarchy has allowed itself to be deceived in this manner for years to no end. It has never happened in the history of our monarchy for the person of the Litunga to act contrary to the will and wishes of the people, it is strange.

The People of Barotseland have a will and capacity to re-write the history and shame the country of Zambia that schemed to impoverish the once rich and prosperous territory at independence of Northern Rhodesia. Economic progression requires people with the following ingredients; trustworthy, hardworking, and intelligent. Barotseland never lacks such human resources. In fact, the major component in any development strategy is the human capital. Barotseland can boast of a highly qualified stock of men and women who are capable of running all areas of economic and social endeavor to sustain development.

The general deception held in certain quarters is that an independent Barotseland will 'perish' as it will not have any resources to sustain itself. This is a deception that to some extent retarded the drive for Barotseland’s self-rule, which is spearheaded by the Zambian government itself in its continued efforts to frustrate Barotseland independence. This deception has not spared Barotseland nationals in the diaspora, they fear the unknown since they do not actually know the economic potential of the territory.

The underdevelopment of Barotseland is by design and well calculated to hold the region hostage. The much despised Kalahari sands of Barotseland will be utilized to the people's advantage. In addition, the land has streams, brooks, lagoons and rivers with fresh waters flowing all year round. The flood plains will economically benefit the nation as a tourist attraction, add to that the famous Kuomboka ceremony! Barotseland is blessed with infinite beauty, abundant flora and exquisite timber to support the comfort of the hospitality industry. Barotseland is a country with diverse wild life. Barotseland is also blessed with the real treasures the Queens and Kings of this world desire—Diamonds.

It's beyond doubt that Barotseland has the potential of becoming the largest economy in southern Africa, if not in Africa as a whole. Africa and the rest of the world will certainly need Barotseland's abundant resources. Barotseland’s economy will be based on combined crop farming, livestock, fishing and natural resource exploitation. Natural resources include oil, gas, diamonds, rubies, emeralds, gold, copper, iron, quartz, limestone, cobalt, uranium, diatomite, silica sand, and salt. When Barotseland is free, the aforementioned resources will be harnessed appropriately. The area of natural resources is another aspect that gave rise to the deception that Barotseland independence is driven by interest to exploit them. Did Zambia fight for independence because of interest for its copper resources? Certainly not! Bulozi fasi la Bondata luna