BNFA commemorates 14th January 2011 Mongu killings—as Zambia police refuse BNFA youth wing to assemble again


by BNFA Publicity Wing

Today, 14th January 2018 marks exactly seven years since the senseless brutal killing of our brothers Oliver Kangombe Kalyangu, Limpo Katuwamba and several others by Zambia police acting on behalf of the oppressive Zambia state. We also remember the related deaths of Muchima Kakoma, Mwiya Sihope, Simasho Mutakela, Pelekelo Likezo, Kabayo Kabayo and former Ngambela and former Member of Parliament Hon. Maxwell Mututwa, may their souls rest in eternal peace. Many people were arrested, tortured, maimed and kidnapped without trace to this day. This is a day to remember, despite the Zambia police refusal for a sorrowful assembly in a continued denial of our human right to assemble.

These gallant sons and daughters of Barotseland sacrificed their lives for our freedom and the independence of their motherland. To us human life is sacred but if we should sacrifice our lives for the freedom of our people and independence of our country, so be it. Our enemy must choose between giving us our freedom or killing us. We shall never surrender. Barotseland must be free. If life is the ultimate prize we must pay for agreeing to proceed to independence with a deceitful party that refused to honor its obligations, we are ready to pay for our independence.

Our oppressor has chosen to unleash state terror against us. Our enemy is using state terror in order to instill fear in us. Instead, state terror has hardened us and sharpened our resolve. Compatriots, we urge you to join forces with BNFA so that together we can hasten the process we started at the defining 26th-27th March 2012 Barotse National Council. There is power in unity of purpose. Even though the Barotse Royal Establishment (BRE) has chosen to abandon the people of Barotseland but instead joined forces with the oppressive Zambian regime, they have failed to derail and shall never derail the match to Barotseland independence. With God on our side, who can be against us?

UNPO, the British government, the European Union (EU), the United States of America government and the rest of the international community condemn the Zambian regime’s breach of the Barotseland Agreement 1964 and support the BNFA and the people of Barotseland in their peaceful struggle against the Zambian government. The international community is now drawing more attention to the issues of targeted violence and repression of Barotse nationalists. UNPO and the EU believe the Zambian government should release all prisoners held on politically motivated charges, and respect Barotseland’s right to self-determination and bring to an end its illegal occupation of our territory.

Zambia and the BRE are fast losing the trust and credibility of the international community over the Barotseland issue. It is just a matter of time before we achieve the ultimate goal of a free and independent Barotseland. As BNFA, all we need now is the concerted effort of all the Barotse to realise that ultimate goal. BNFA needs your continued support. None of us is better than all of us. Freedom is within our sight. The lives of our fallen brothers cannot be lost in vain. We also call for the release of all our brothers who are still imprisoned in Zambian jails.

The Zambian government should be seen to respect the rule of international law and justice. The people of Barotseland are entitled to their human rights—freedom of expression, freedom of assembly, freedom of speech and freedom of self-determination.

On 14th January 2018 Zambia police denied BNFA youth wing permission to commemorate this very important sorrowful day on the Barotse calendar.