Political independence is a precondition for economic independence


by Saleya Kwalombota

Political independence is a precondition for economic independence. At the same time, the two are interdependent and complementary. However, it has been argued by opponents of Barotseland independence that when independent, Barotseland will have nothing to sustain herself, and will be at the verge of instability and civil strife. The insinuations are misleading and aimed at weakening patriotism exhibited so far by the people of Barotseland.

Before independence, all efforts must be directed first of all at winning political independence so as to prepare the conditions for economic independence. After independence, Barotseland, while continuing to consolidate her political independence, needs to make full use of her political power to obliterate the effects of Zambia's mismanagement of Barotseland affairs. This can be achieved through carrying out agrarian and other social reforms, establish and develop independent national economic programs and thereby consolidate the political independence already secured.

In the process of striving for political independence, it is necessary to combine economic struggle with political struggle so that they complement and reinforce each other. The end purpose of both is to achieve full independence. To win full political independence and genuine economic independence will require a long and arduous struggle, with quantitative changes leading to qualitative changes.

The 2017 report of gross domestic product by provincial contributions should not be the basis—where "Western province" (not Barotseland) is at the bottom of the list and actually tallies with the outcome of the poverty census that projected poverty at over 84%—of making such misleading assertions. The reports simply expose Zambia's diabolic plans of impoverishing Barotseland and to use such reports as the basis for denying Barotseland's right to be an independent nation is unacceptable. The report is not a true representation as the actual facts on the ground prove to the contrary. In addition, Barotseland at independence of Northern Rhodesia in 1964 was the richest territory with the most educated of all Africans as compared to Northern Rhodesia. In view of this, the poverty tag raises more questions than answers!

Furthermore, to deduce and conclude from such erroneous reports is not only a representation of feeble minds but exposure of one's folly. We have heard of such illogical sentiments from the Zambian Head of state, the late Michael Sata during the handover of the 2011 Mungu riot Report by Rodger Chongwe Commission of Inquiry, a disappointment to many genuine senior citizens of both territories; Barotseland and Zambia.

As a newly independent African country, the struggle for political independence and the struggle for economic independence are interrelated. In this case Barotseland is very much alive to the fact that without genuine economic independence, secure and full political independence cannot last, hence its desire to genuine economic reforms to safe guard the natural resources it is endowed with like the famous Mulya tree known as Mukula in Zambia.

It is further irrefutable that upon regaining political independence, Barotseland like any African country will face major and urgent tasks such as: adopting appropriate and effective measures to eliminate the economic failures inherited from the bogus state of Zambia; and abolishing all economic and cultural activities at variance to the development and prosperity of the new state.

To put the new state's economic lifelines and economic sovereignty in the hands of the people, the government of Barotseland must rollout measures to promote wealth creation through community participation.

Hence, it can be affirmed that the process of recovering economic sovereignty from the damages caused by the oppressive state of Zambia is inevitable and must be accompanied by a well constituted cabinet. In other words, political independence is the precondition for economic independence, while economic independence is the basis for stable political independence. Prior to and post-independence, maintaining and consolidating political independence is Barotseland's primary task through selfless leadership of the Barotse National Freedom Alliance in collaboration with the Litungaship (the Monarch).

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