Agents of the oppressive Zambia regime not accepted in Barotseland


by BNFA Publicity Wing

We register our disappoint on the utterances made by an agent of the oppressive regime of Zambia in the name of Vice President Inonge Wina during her recent campaign visit in Barotseland on February 17, 2018 in Mongu. She said, “Barotseland cannot separate from Zambia because of intermarriages and urged people not to listen to advocates of Barotseland self-determination” are but illusions. Inonge originates from Barotseland and her husband late Author Wina was there when former President Kaunda unilaterally abrogated the Barotseland Agreement 1964 in 1969—an action which legally separated Barotseland from Zambia. She was well placed to advise both her late husband and Kaunda. She was there when the people of Barotseland stood for the past 47 years prior to the Barotse National Council of March 2012 advocating for the respect and restoration of the BA’64 in futility. She was there when President Edgar Lungu assented the new municipal constitution of Zambia in January 2016, which neither recognized the BA’64 nor the Litunga, despite Edgar’s promise to the African Commission of Human and Peoples Rights and the people to restore it.

Madam, Barotseland was separated from Zambia by an action of the Zambian regime in accordance with the laws of Zambia and not advocates of Barotseland self-determination. That action was preceded by a national referendum in 1968 in which all the people from North Eastern Rhodesia rejected the BA’64. Today, the people of North Eastern Rhodesia all stand united against Barotseland. If Kaunda is advising you and your President that he unilaterally abrogated the BA’64 to facilitate intermarriages, that is no substitute for our economic, social, cultural and political rights of self-determination enshrined in the BA’64. Madam, you are an agent of oppression against the people of Barotseland by serving the interests of the oppressive regime. It is shameful for you to continue torturing the people of Barotseland in the same the footsteps of your late husband and brother in law Sikota Wina. Intermarriages, with due respect, cannot be equated our political and economic independence.

The leaders of the Barotse National Freedom Alliance and people are conversant with the requirements of international law with regards to citizenship. In a free Barotseland, people will have the right of choice of citizenship, including yourself and our enemies.

We know that you have no compassion for the people of Barotseland know that the high death rate and recruitment of unqualified personnel in Barotseland is a strategy by Zambia of impoverishing the Barotse, to which you are part. There is an unwritten policy of not employing people of Barotseland in any government institution or parastatal organization. Right now, government and parastatal positions in Barotseland and without are filled by Bembas and Nyanjas—people from North Eastern Rhodesia.

We challenge you and your President to allow the people of Barotseland their freedom, including the freedom of speech, freedom of assembly, freedom of association and freedom of movement. We further challenge you an open debate over Barotseland self-determination.