BRE strikes yet again against its own people—as it works with Zambia Police to harass and arrest villagers


by BNFA Publicity Wing

In its continued violations of the human rights of the people of Barotseland, the Zambian government is denying villagers of Nangula access to their rice, cassava and maize fields using their agents—the Barotse Royal Establishment (BRE) and Zambia Police. A village Headman reported that over 6,000 villagers have been denied access to their fields and fishing areas because the embattled Litunga Edwin Lubosi Imwiko forcibly took away their land. This action has turned them into quarters in their own home.

Edwin, through his Likombwa (self-appointed BRE Indunas) first requested for a piece of land on the pretext of growing rice. Thereafter, he brought cattle, which made it impossible for the villagers to grow their crops. He then excavated their fields and created 11 fish dams. The dams blocked both Nangula stream and fish in the stream their natural habit and breeding grounds all the way through Ndiki, Sikabobu, Miluwe and others, an old man from the area added.

Our sources further disclosed that between December 15-26, 2018, Zambia police working with their agent in the area and Likombwa arrested Mutasha Mukelabai of Nalowa village, Matengu Mwiza of Sińalamba village, Mushiba Katanekwa of Yula Village for an alleged offence of catching litombe ze zwile milungu. When the police arrived, they moved from house-to-house searching in pots until they landed on Nasana Kwala’s pot where they found fish fragments. The poor woman was harassed and arrested in an effort to get more evidence, despite her frail condition and narration that the fish fragments were remains of a Christmas present from the Roman Catholic Church of Namaenya (Muyi area).

A police agent Phiri who works for Edwin as a Veterinary Officer told them in Nyanja that “Mbana Bilozi ibi ni bya ntota bamangeni”, (meaning, “these Lozis are troublesome, they opened the dams, arrest them”). That was how our children were arrested and taken to the contagious Limulunga cells, where the police routinely spray detainees with infectious chemicals. The victims were kept in cells for three days and thereafter, police vehicles haven been on patrol in the area resulting in the villagers living in fear. The people involved in the scum of betraying villagers include Njekwa of Muyi and two village Headmen who received bribes of cattle from Edwin.

It is further said that Edwin has sold villager’s land to a Sugar plantation company where he is a shareholder. This land is also well known for its minerals such as oil and diamonds. We as a people shall never allow Edwin and Zambia to steal our mineral wealth.

Villagers are urged protect their land and join BNFA in order to restore what rightfully belongs to the people of Barotseland. “Katongo ka shangwe”.