Response to United Church of Zambia (North-Eastern Rhodesia) in holding prayers to ask God to stop the independence of Barotseland


by Litulu

First and foremost God is righteous. Then one asks why people calling themselves Christians embrace unrighteousness by saying shooting and killing the people of Barotseland is okay, impoverishing the people of Barotseland is okay, segregating the people of Barotseland in employment and other areas is okay. BUT when God says my children people of Barotseland I have seen your suffering from my place in heaven and now I am going to free you from your bondage THEN the United Church of Zambia (UCZ) and others say that is NOT Okay.

After asking myself the questions above, I found the answer in John 8: 31-47, when Jesus told the people who were planning to kill him because he was telling the truth. The people who were planning to kill Jesus claimed that they were children of Abraham but Jesus refuted this. Then they claimed to be children of God again Jesus refuted this. He told them that he came from God himself and that they were doing what they were doing because they were children of their father the Devil who was very economical with truth from the beginning as he is a liar, a murderer and thief which are his identities and those of his children. In the bible the Lord Jesus also tells us that not all those who call on my name are my children, you will know them by their work which is unrighteous.

Again I also remember in the bible the story of King David in order to understand further why the UCZ is telling God to be unrighteous by stopping him to liberate the people of Barotseland. Then I understood how God works when he answered King David’s prayer. King David had stolen someone’s wife and had the husband killed. When King David fathered a child with the woman Beersheba then God made a decision to take away the child from him. In response King David pleaded with God to spare the child and even went to the extent of not eating, wearing sacks instead of clothes, slept on the floor and even stopped bathing. But God still took the child away from him. This goes to show that God will always be righteous and independent.

To the people of Barotseland my advice is that you continue praying as you have been doing because righteous will always triumph over unrighteousness. God Almighty in his Wisdom and Righteousness has liberated you on a date and time chosen by him. It’s a God who when he say YES no one can say NO and God has said YES to the independence of Barotseland. So people of Barotseland rejoice about your coming independence because GOD the FATHER, GOD the SON and GOD the HOLY SPIRIT has said YES to your INDEPENDENCE.

God Bless the People of Barotseland

God Bless Barotseland

In Jesus Mighty Name