Submission to the Commission of Inquiry into voting patterns and election violence


by BNFA Publicity Secretary and Chairperson for Youth

Dear Sir,

At your request of January 31, 2018 in the morning, I submit herewith a buddle of documents pertaining to the issue of self-determination of Barotseland on behalf of the Barotse National Freedom Alliance (BNFA). The BNFA is an internationally recognized civil society organization actualizing Barotseland statehood through peaceful means as per covenants of UNPO to which we are a member. It is for this reason that after the 2012 Barotse National Council declaration of the acceptance of the Barotseland Agreement 1964 unilateral abrogation by Zambia in 1969, we encouraged the Zambian government to dialogue with the BNFA and other Barotse stakeholders through an international Arbitrator on disengagement from Barotseland territory. The Zambian government has always developed cold feet. The doors are still open, it would be a pleasure to settle this case logically and amicably to show the world that it is possible for territories to peacefully separate in a civilized manner than by guns when the conditions which brought them together are no longer tenable.

Accordingly I present to you:  

  1.  Barotse National Council Resolutions 27 March 2012
  2. Two letters challenging late President Sata dated March 28, 2014  and current  President Lungu dated June 11, 2015  to sign a Permanent Court of Arbitration submission agreement
  3. Highly confidential letter on updates and report on my assignment on BRE II dated November 17, 2014
  This was a report by a Zambian Secrete State Agent by the name of Edson Nachimwenda working under cover of the Head of Department Provincial Chiefs and Traditional Affairs under the supervision of then Provincial Permanent Secretary Augustine Seyuba. The agent was planted to finish off the Litunga of Barotseland by removing all his rights. The letter explains the strategy and stand of the Zambian regime against Barotseland to ensure that no Barotse are given jobs. No heads of Zambian departments in Barotseland should originate from Barotseland. He further explains and praises the success of the Zambian government in using Bunda and Nkoya agents against their own kin to bring disunity in Barotseland.  
  1. Communication by Barotse acquitted from Mumbwa Prison in 2011. BNFA takes the acquittals as serious human rights violations against those individuals in particular and the people of Barotseland in general. The victims were acquitted on a nolle and thereby denying them recourse to compensation. When you acquit a person on a nolle you just fear to compensate him/her while at the same time restricting his/her freedom. The people of Barotseland have been subjected to abuses through this notorious piece of legislation.
  2. Petition to the Zambian government through the Permanent Secretary Western Province against unqualified teacher recruitment dated November 28, 2017
  3. Barotseland calendar
  4. BNFA 2018 New Year Message
  5. EU remarks on Human Rights Day 2017
  6. BNFA report on Humans Rights Day 2017
  7. UNPO self-determination and position statement
  8. Refusal to hold a public meeting by the Zambian government through the Mongu Police thereby continued denial of the freedom of assemble, freedom of association and freedom of speech against the people of Barotseland
  9. BNFA submission at Zambia’s UPR in Geneva
  10. Letter requesting release of UNPO flag held by the Zambian government against court ruling in favor of BNFA, the owner of the property.

The continued occupation of the Zambian government of Barotseland, continued violence and the continued denial of the right of Barotseland to self-determination explain the election violence and voting pattern you see in Barotseland is a protest vote. The people of Barotseland do not want to be ruled by President Lungu nor any Zambian opposition leader. Barotseland is a separate territory from Zambia and all what its people want now is to run theirown affairs.

Failure by the Zambian government to recognize the legitimate right of the people of Barotseland to self-determination may result in violence as witnessed on January 14, 2011 when several Barotse were killed in cold blood. We have never forgotten and we shall never forget the atrocities being committed day-by-day by the Zambian government against the people of Barotseland.

Our prayers