Position statement on dialogue between the Barotse Royal Establishment and the government of the Republic of Zambia over the Barotseland Agreement 1964


by the Barotse National Freedom Alliance

The Barotse National Freedom Alliance (BNFA) is a mass organization formed for the purpose of implementing the resolutions of the March 2012 Barotse National Council in a pacific manner and protecting the human rights of the peoples of Barotseland. The vision of the BNFA is to attain a fully self-governing and democratic state of Barotseland and safeguard the human rights of the peoples. Any individual who does not support these ideals should neither claim to be a member of nor represent the organization.

The BNFA cannot and will not take part in the proposed GRZ/BRE dialogue. The the Barotseland Agreement 1964 was a product of protracted negotiations under the arbitration of the British Government and Commonwealth in a neutral venue. The Barotse government participated and signed the Agreement in good faith. However, the Zambian government had ulterior motives. They deliberately failed to implement the Agreement and legislated against their own obligations.

It should be acknowledged that Zambia is a product of two equal partners—Barotseland-North Western Rhodesia and North Eastern Rhodesia, each of which had its own unique governance system. North Eastern Rhodesia systematically destroyed the governance system of Barotseland and superimposed its alien system over Barotseland using state oppression. The intention has been to obliterate the Barotse culture, traditions and governance institutions.

To achieve this, the Kaunda regime created BRE to replace the democratically elected Barotse government. Before 1969, there was no BRE. The Northern Rhodesia government co-signed the BA’64 with the Barotseland government not BRE. The Barotse National Council (BNC) rightfully recognizes the Barotseland government in the implementation of its resolutions. BRE has completely no role in the post 2012 BNC Barotseland and is not a recognized institution in the Barotseland governance system. It represents nobody but the Litunga Edwin Lubosi Imwiko and his self-appointed stewards. BRE has turned against the wishes and aspirations of the people of Barotseland as enshrined in the 2012 BNC resolutions. Today, BRE and the Zambian regime are partners in the oppression of the people of Barotseland and are acting together in the deception over the restoration of the BA’64. They both have no mandate whatsoever to dialogue over the now null and void BA’64 nor claim to represent the interests of the people of Barotseland. BNFA has not sent, and will not send, any representative to the proposed dialogue.

As BNFA we are intent on re-instituting the Barotseland government. This is what the people of Barotseland resolved through the 2012 BNC resolutions. Accordingly, we call on the Barotse to resist the BRE/GRZ machinations. All maLozi, starting from the individual level, Village Kuta, Silalo Kuta to Regional Kuta should remain resolute and support the BNFA and the 2012 BNC resolutions. Anyone who does not support the 2012 BNC resolutions is an enemy of Barotseland. Anyone who will take part in the BRE/GRZ dialogue is an enemy of Barotseland.

The greatest enemy of Barotseland is the Barotse. President Kaunda managed to divide the people of Barotseland using sons and daughters of Barotseland. President Lungu is doing the same. All the tribes of North Eastern Rhodesia remain united to this day against the Barotseland state. In 1969, the entire North Eastern Rhodesians voted against the BA’64 in a national referendum. They remain united in stealing Barotse jobs and resources. BRE/GRZ has inflicted irreparable damage on Barotseland and our environment. Our people have been made jobless even in their own state, they have been made poorer and illiterate with our schools filled by unqualified non-Lozi speaking teachers, our people are being killed by unqualified Bemba and Nyanja speaking doctors and nurses in our hospitals and clinics.Our forests and trees are being destroyed and fish stock depleted as a deliberate policy to leave Barotseland impoverished.

There were no pre-dialogue and dialogue discussions when the BA’64 was unliterary abrogated by the Zambian regime in 1969, despite protests from the Barotseland government. Subsequent calls for its restoration following the 2012 BNC meeting in the backdrop of the lies submitted by the Zambian regime to the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights and the withdrawal of BRE from the case is in an attempt to derail the progress made by the BNFA in actualizing Barotseland independence. Why is BRE the only side pleading for dialogue from a deceitful government which no longer has the legitimacy to preside over the affairs of Barotseland notwithstanding the illegitimacy of BRE itself while the Barotse continue being denied their fundamental human rights to freedom of assembly, freedom of association, freedom of movement, freedom of speech and freedom of self-determination?

The unitary state of Zambia no longer exits and restoration of the BA’64 is no longer an option. We the people of Barotseland have already said NO on March 27, 2012. The people of North Eastern Rhodesia said NO in 1969. The Zambia regime said NO in 1969 and at every municipal constitutional review of Zambia thereafter. What remains to be done is the dissolution of the unitary state and reconstitution of the constitutive territories into self-governing states.

The BNFA cannot stand-by and watch the destruction of our state, jobs, people and resources by the other party to the Agreement and their surrogate BRE. The independence of Barotseland must be achieved as quickly as possible in order to stop this destruction as resolved in the 2012 BNC meeting. This remains the only way to restore our human dignity, cultural, political and economic rights. This is a fight for every daughter and son of Barotseland, no one else will do it for us. The time has now come for us ALL to get involved.

Signed                                                    Clement W. Sinyinda                                                                       Chairperson General

Signed Sitwala Imenda  1st Deputy Chairperson General


Signed Katukula Mwiya National Secretary 

Signed Nayoto Liamba 3rd Chairperson General


Signed Lutangu Sinonge Chairperson Youth/National Publicity Secretary