by BRE Source

The announced visit to Livingstone by the Litunga might not take place because of Induna Ingangwana who is making things very difficult for the Kuta. A reliable source from the Kuta told this reporter that Ingangwana was paid K10, 000 at Woodpecker near Sir Mwanawina in Mongu by a little known carpenter to build a new royal barge to be used in Livingstone. After a tip off from a palace insider, this reporter went to shoot a video of this corrupt activity. The fears of most Indunas interviewed are that the work might not finish on time or might end up with a sub-standard work. The most worrying part is that if things go wrong the target will be the innocent Ngambela Mukela Manyando.

One senior Induna categorically stated that "Ingangwana is vying for the Ngambelaship. The earlier Mukela goes the better for him." When asked why Ingangwana is not admonished, the Indunas interviewed said that it was impossible because he was the Litunga's blue eyed boy. The elderly Induna was quick to state that the Litunga knows nothing about Ingangwana's underhand methods. He also does not know what is causing delays to the Livingstone trip. As far as he is concerned the arrangements are on course.