The Barotse National Freedom Alliance (BNFA) wholeheartedly welcomes the Homecoming Pilgrimage of our African American brothers and sisters. This pilgrimage is led by Diversity Restoration Solutions, Inc. (DRS) which conducts Homecoming events and project development activities in America and Africa to reconnect families and communities previously separated by institutions of slavery for mutually beneficial social-economic restoration. Their choice of Barotseland as headquarters for their programmes is not by chance.

As BNFA we were at first suspcious of the heavy hand the Zambian government intended to steer the Homecoming events. We are now relieved that for once Barotseland can freely celebrate an event without any interference from the despotic Zambian authorities. The Kuomboka ceremony is no longer as traditional and coveted as it ought to be because of the over-involvement of the Zambian government. Zambia does not mean well for Barotseland.

We commend the decision to designate the Litunga as the Guest of Honour for the laying of the foundation stone for the Africa Homecoming Center/Restoration Center earmarked for Sifula in Barotseland as a headquarters facility for African Americans. There can never be a more fitting ceremonial role for our King than this. Indeed we hope that all major projects, and we are certain that there will be many more such projects now, will be home-grown and be honoured by the sons and daughters of the soil. This gives us hope, happiness and relief that the elephant is now awakening. We should from now on manage our own affairs.

We should also take charge of our own governance institutions. The Barotse governance structures should now awaken. Let us rekindle the villages, the lilalanda, the lilalo, the regional and the national kutas to work together and take charge of our affairs and lift the welfare of the Barotse people. We have the capacity to improve the lives of our people and give them hope again. Our environment and natural resources have largely remained untouched.

Saa-Sikalo Kuta cannot do everything by themsselves. The collective resolutions of the meeting of the Kutas which was held from Monday 29 – Wednesday 31 July 2019 resuscitated the Barotse Government drive. For some reasons the Ngambela hesitated to announce the resolutions until Tuesday 6 August, 2019. We also wonder why the Ngambela is using our valued 26 – 27 March, 2012 Barotse National Council resolutions in exchange for some cheap Zambian lawlessness.  Yes, the Ngambela and the Saa-Sikalo Kuta have been bargaining away the freedom of the people and the independence of Barotseland.

Time has now come to right the wrong. The Homecoming pilgrimage has come at the right time. Let us all claim what rightly belongs to the people of Barotseland. Our African American kith and kin and all the people of Barotseland; let us all claim our sovereignty. This is what BNFA members have been yearning for since the 2012 BNC.

DRS and Africa Homecoming pilgrimage is the springboard for Barotseland statehood and sovereignty. This is the rebirth of our cherished Barotseland. Let us all rejoice our victory over evil.


Maybin Mubita Sikwa

Deputy Chairperson General

Barotse National Freedom Alliance