December 20, 2019  

Barotseland independence being delayed by BRE as BRE establish BDC

by BNFA Publicity Wing

We call on the Barotse to reject and stop BRE machinations and obstruction of Barotseland independence. Now is the time to implement the Barotse National Council Resolutions of 27th March 2012. Now is the time to stand together. Now is the time to stand united. The Barotse Royal Establishment (BRE)—an agent of the oppressive state of Zambia against the people of Barotseland—established an Organizing Executive Committee (OEC), Barotse Dialogue Council (BDC) and Standing Negotiating Team (SNT) in a letter by Ngambela Manyando Muekela dated December 9, 2019 at the behest of President Lungu. President Lungu offered dialogue with BRE over the defunct Barotseland Agreement 1964, which Zambia unilaterally abrogated in 1969. Both President Lungu and the BRE have no mandate from their own people to engage into dialogue over the issue. As it were, there is NO stalemate over Barotseland, contrary to the claim by BRE.

On the Zambia side, a referendum was conducted in 1969 which rejected the BA’64. This led to the unilateral abrogation of the Agreement the same year. This was followed by successive pieces of legislation to annul the authority and power of the Litunga. Since then, successive Zambia Presidents have used BA’64 restoration as nothing but campaign gimmick and appeasement tool to stem off Barotse and international community pressure, including the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights following its decision on the case, the Ngambela and Others v. Zambia. It is a well-known fact that the BRE withdrew from the case and joined hands with Zambia thereby leaving the BNFA to pursue the case on behalf of the people of Barotseland. There has been NO Zambia government agenda to restore the BA’64. In so doing, Zambia Presidents were careful not to violate their municipal constitution.

On the Barotseland side, the people of Barotseland accepted the unilateral abrogation of the BA’64 through 2012 BNC Resolutions, after more than five decades of futile attempts to restore the agreement. The people declared Bafrotseland independence and mandated the Barotse Government and not the BRE to put in place transition process under the auspices of the United Nations and not the Zambian government. This decision was unequivocal with no more room for restoration, contrary to the claims by BRE. Clearly, the BRE has NO role in this process. Therefore, the BRE has no mandate from the people to establish neither the OEC nor the BDC. The Litunga and his BRE use the BA’64 restoration, including the current establishing of the OEC, the BDC and the NST as a gimmick to lineup their pockets and delay Barotseland independence. In doing so, the Litunga and his BRE acted outside the mandate of the highest policy making body of the Kingdom of Barotseland and neither do they serve the interests of the Barotse.

The BNC mandates dialogue with Zambia only after reconstitution of the Barotse Government—government to government dialogue—for the sole purpose of working out transitional arrangements. In other words, dialogue on an equal footing and not dialogue under oppression with a begging bowl in the hands. There was no offer of dialogue when Zambia abrogated the BA’64 and Zambia never listened to Barotseland voice and it shall never do. Now is the time to rebuild Barotseland governance institutions not dialogue with Zambia.