18 February, 2020

Mr Clement W Sinyinda

P.O. Box K37


Dear Mr Sinyinda

We received the public statement regarding your decision to relinquish the BNFA Chairmanship with consternation. However, we respect and accept your decision. This must have been a very difficult decision for you.

We thank you for the sacrifice you endured; as well as the dedication and commitment you fostered during your tenure as leader of BNFA. It was not easy to build the cadre of devoted activists who make up the rank and file of BNFA. You leave behind a formidable team which will diligently carry on the noble mission we began together. Your name shall remain indelible in the liberation history of Barotseland, both as the courageous Ngambela who presided over the landmark 2012 BNC and as the founding BNFA leader.

We have all gained a vast amount of companionship, experience and expertise from each other over the past years. Your support, guidance and sincerity will always be remembered. We shall forever be indebted to your leadership.

We are hopeful that you shall remain a BNFA father figure and that you shall always be available to be called upon for advice



Katukula Mwiya

Secretary General