by BNFA Publicity Wing

Lately, there is desperate campaign by pro-Sinyinda BNFA followers to reinstate him as Chairperson General. They find it hard to accept that the man has resigned. They are uncomfortable with the new BNFA leadership.

Everyone by now knows that Hon Sinyinda formally resigned from the position of BNFA Chairperson of his own freewill on 12 March, 2020. The resignation letter is proof of that. There is no letter annulling that position. What is true is that even if he was to write a letter to reverse his resignation, he would not be restored to the position of Chairperson. A panel of eminent BNFA members would subject the reasons that led to his resignation to an investigation in accordance to the BNFA constitution. BNFA has a functioning constitution, to which every member subscribes, irrespective of position.

The BNFA held its last national council four years ago, on 8 July 2016 at which nine (9) National Excutive Committee members were elected, namely Clement Wainyae Sinyinda (now former Chairperson General), Prof Sitwala Naminji Imenda (Deputy Chairperson General), Katukula Mwiya (Secretary General), Tebuho Yambwa (Treasurer General), Maybin Sikwa (National Security Advisor), Nyambe Mumbuna (Political Mobilisation & Strategy), Clement Sitali (Regional Coordinator), Namakau Kayuwa (Chairperson Gender Coordinator) and Sinonge Lutangu (Chairperson Youth).

BNFA has three functioning organs. These are the National Executive Committee, the National Congresss and the National Council. The NEC is composed of nine members as stated earlier. The National Congress is composed of the nine NEC members plus the Regional Chairpersons. There are currently eleven regions, that is Mungu, Sinanga, Sisheke, Kalabo, Kaoma, Lukulu, Shangombo, and the formally concessioned regions of Livingstone, Kazungula, Itezhi-tezhi and Lusaka.

After his resignation Hon Sinyinda called a meeting of his followers at his house on 8 March, 2020 to request him to rescind his decision. Only Tebuho Yambwa attended that meeting from the National Executive Committee. The others are neither members of the National Congress nor National Council. Therefore, the gathering does not qualify to be called a national congress. The only person qualified to call a meeting in the BNFA is the General Secretary in consultation with the Chairperson General or in his absence, as the case was, the Deputy Chairperson General. Therefore whatever was deliberated at the meeting is null and void.

BNFA is still intact even after the resignation of Hon Sinyinda. The NEC still has the mandate to carry out the day to day business of the organisation. The NEC had called for a national congress but cancelled it due to the Corona virus pandemic restrictions. As a consequence, the NEC met and in consultation with the Regional Chairperson elected Mukwae Wabei Siyolwe as replacement for Hon Sinyinda for Chairperson General. All these steps are in line with the BNFA constitution.

The rank and file membership of BNFA has overwhelmingly endorsed Mukwae Wabei’s appointment. BNFA members should not fear anything. No one shall be dismissed from the organisation. All the members join the organisation of their own free will. As a liberation movement we need every Barotse national on board. We request the membership to remain united and rally behind the new BNFA leadership.