The demise of Kenneth David Kaunda and his legacy in Barotseland

by BNFA Publicity Wing

The Barotse National Freedom Alliance expresses its sympathy to Zambians over the loss of Kenneth David Kaunda. However, as a people of Barotseland, we shall never forgot (no sane Barotse will ever forget) Kaunda’s vile of political dishonesty and treachery of the abrogation of the Barotseland Agreement 1964 and permanent dismantlement of the unitary state of Zambia—Zambia as a unitary state is no more. Zambians should come to terms with this reality. Barotseland-North-Western Rhodesia and North-Eastern Rhodesia should have co-existed as two self governing unitary states under the terms and conditions set out in the Barotseland Agreement of 1964. All Zambia’s problems derive from Kaunda’s raw deceit in the way he disregarded Barotseland.

The decision to bring Kaunda’s remains to Barotseland evoked memories of his evil schemes over the territory in every one of us. This has been the worst insult to the people of Barotseland. The fact that most of the Barotse shunned the funeral was due to their chagrin for Kaunda. It’s immeasurably hurtful to know that the rich history of Barotseland and its peoples has been trodden upon and concealed by Kenneth Kaunda. Our rich diverse culture, language, tradition dance, songs and the respectful ways of life of our people are now but relics because of Kaunda. Kaunda was full of spite and hatred for Barotseland and its people.

Kaunda destroyed the five centuries of Barotse civilisation. The thirty-eight ethnic groups who once lived side by side harmoniously can now no longer see eye to eye because of Kaunda. Kaunda went further not only to dismember the territorial bounderies of Barotseland, but also unilaterally changed the name of the territory and other key institutions. The country was renamed Western Province, the Barotse Government became Barotse Royal Establishment and so on and so forth. Kaunda destroyed our school and our health care systems.

Kaunda traumatised the people of Barotseland throughout his twenty-seven year dictatorial hegemony. Zambia was permanently under a state of emergency—he jailed, tortured, maimed and killed a lot of innocent Barotse nationals who challenged his authority over Barotseland.

Barotseland is on its knees because of Kaunda. Barotseland is on its knees but not dead. Barotseland must rise and grow stronger. All the successive Zambian presidents have maintained Kaunda’s illegal authority over Barotseland. The sons and daughters of Barotseland should not hope for any Zambian leader to correct Kaunda’s misdeeds. The BNFA calls on all the descendants of Mwambwa, Liwanika and all other Litungas to rise and run Barotseland. We have been free since 1969. We must stand for our human dignity, human rights and freedoms as liberated land of our fathers and our ancestors. NOW is the time to RUN our own affairs.