Daily Archives: November 24, 2014

Statement to the Resident Minister of the failed unitary state of Zambia protesting against occupying Zambian police harassment and continued human rights abuses in Barotseland

by Barotse Imilemas

We, members of Barotse Imilemas (BIs)—a youth activist group advocating for Barotseland’s right to self-determination and self-rule—on our own behalf and indeed on behalf of the down trodden people of Barotseland, wish to register our dismay and utter disgust at the continued harassment by the occupying Zambian police force and other so called Zambia ‘Security’ agents currently flooding Barotseland. We warned the police officers and other security agents that they are carefully being monitored and their activities shall land them at The Hague.

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Police in Mongu question Hon. Sinyinda & BIs—as he informs them that the upcoming presidential elections in the failed unitary state of Zambia is of no consequence to the now separate Kingdom of Barotseland

By Mwananyandi Mukunyandela

The Zambia police officers put it to Hon. Sinyinda that they had information to the effect that he (Hon. Sinyinda) was planning to kill certain personalities, destroy government infrastructure and installations within the Kingdom of Barotseland so as to sabotage the upcoming presidential elections in the former or failed unitary state of Zambia thereby hinder the Barotse populace from participating in the elections.Read more-html Read more-pdf