Monthly Archives: July 2015

Zambian President pretends to be publicly mute while working underground to derail actualization of Barotseland statehood—As the ACHPR petition and the PCA challenge intensify

by Mwananyandi Mukunyandela

Following Zambia’s deceitful submission to the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights (ACHPR) and for fear of close monitoring by the international community, President Lungu has chosen to operate underground with respect to North Eastern Rhodesia’s (rest of Zambia’s) continued efforts to occupy Barotseland and derail the actualization of Barotseland statehood. Read more-html Read more-pdf

UNPO membership–What it means for Barotseland

by Mutungulu Wanga


UNPO Flag Barotseland Flag


The admission of Barotseland to UNPO membership not only puts an international perspective to the territory’s struggle for statehood through UNPO’s connection with the European Parliament and the United Nations, but also places a demand on the people of Barotseland to modernize and speed-up institutional reforms and structures to a level somewhat comparable with nations from whom support for Barotseland statehood will flow. Read more-html Read more-pdf