Monthly Archives: December 2015

The Day Mandela Died

by Mukunyandela Mukuyoyisa

Today, 5th December 2015, South Africa and the rest of the world commemorated the second anniversary of the passing away of one, Nelson Ŕ Mandela Madiba. Arguably, the passing away of Madiba (memorial & burial), one of the greatest sons of Africa, can stand out as one of the most outstanding events of the decade so far. Read-more pdf   Read-more html

Watch Here a Video Honouring Mandela and Lewanika

Remarks by Hon. Clement Wainyae Sinyinda to the Crowds that turned out to Welcome him at Mongu Airport on Thursday 5th December 2013

by Mukunyandela Mukuyoyisa

Ladies and gentlemen, sons and daughters of the soil,
It is not my intention on this accession to keep you long. May you kindly allow me to say just a few words as follows: Read-more pdf   Read-more html

Watch the Welcome Movie here

BNFA writes the AU Commission Chairperson, Dr Nkosazana Dlamini – Zuma over concerns arising from sustained violation of Human Rights by the Zambian Government in Barotseland

By BNFA Chairman General

The BNFA Chairman General, Hon. Clement Wainyae Sinyinda has written to the Chairperson of the African Union (AU) Commission Dr. Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma expressing concerns arising from sustained violation of Human Rights by the Zambian regime against the Barotse people and Barotseland. Read-more pdf Read-more html

Download Full Letter