Category Archives: Africa News

Zambian government finally makes submission to the ACHPR on admissibility

by the BNFA Secretary General

The Commission is simply informing Barotseland that the Zambia government has finally responded to the said Communication 429/12, three (3) years down the line. The Commission has availed the  Zambia submission to the petitioners, in this case of the Ngambela and Others v. the Republic of Zambia for their perusal with a request to provide any additional written information or observations’ within one month. Read more-html Read more-pdf

Jittery Zambia government plead for more time to respond to the Barotseland petition before the ACHPR

by BNFA Executive Committee

 In the latest turn of events surrounding the Barotseland Petition seized by African Commission on Human and Peoples Rights (ACHPR) of the African Union (AU), it has been learnt that the jittery Zambia government (GRZ) has pleaded for more time to respond to the petition, claiming that they have not seen the communication relating to the same. Read more-html Read more-pdf