Category Archives: Press Releases

BNFA CHAIRPERSON GENERAL’S FESTIVE SEASON MESSAGE—Don’t involve yourselves in the rest of Zambia’s presidential bye-election for you have your own nation

by Clement Wainyae Sinyinda

BNFA is not concerned with the upcoming Zambia presidential bye-election because whoever is elected president should proceed with the dissolution of the unitary state of Zambia to allow parties to the failed unitary state to independently determine their destinies. Read more-html Read more-pdf

Sinyinda appeals to Governments of SADC States to pay attention to Zambia’s violation of Barotse Rights—As the African Human Rights body seeks more time to consider the Barotseland petition

by Correspondent

The Barotse National Freedom Alliance has sent communication to the Heads of State and Government of the Southern Africa Development Community (SADC), beseeching the leadership of the regional body to pay attention to Zambia’s violation of human rights in Barotseland. Read more