Daily Archives: April 27, 2015

BNFA Position Statement on President Lungu’s remarks in Addis on the matter of actualization of Barotseland statehood

BNFA writes President of Zambia, Mr. Lungu, its position statement in response to his publicly stated undertaking in Addis Ababa on the fringes of the last Summit of Heads of State of the African Union regarding Barotseland statehood: Boundaries, tribes, referendum and the subsequent Zambian government laxity on forward motion. Read more–Cover letter-html Cover letter-pdf Position statement-html position statement-pdf

The Barotse Peoples Petition to Namuso is in order—while Zambian government secures K50 million to bribe the people as embattled Indunas seek arrest of the spokes person

by Nokushimba

The petition  presented to the Kutas (Courts) of Saa and Siikalo followed proper Barotse Traditions and Customs articulated in our unwritten constitution.  This practice saw the downfall of Ngambela Namakando Wina and Mufaya Mumbuna, Mwene Kandala and Mulena Siisii Mwanawina  for instance. Read more-html Read more-pdf