Monthly Archives: October 2015

Bravo to the BNYL Trio–as BNFA welcomes their regained freedom and thanks ALL activists for their efforts

by BNFA Executive Committee

The Barotse National Freedom Alliance (BNFA) wishes to say ‘BRAVO!’ to the Barotseland National Youth League (BNYL) Trio of Boris Muziba, Nayoto Mwenda and Sikwibele Wasilota over their regained freedom owing to the presidential pardon. Read more-html Read more-pdf

[Information on online signing of Lubosi abdication. Please click on “Lubosi abdication signatures” on the header page above.]

Induna Katema’s spell in the limelight—A case of acute amnesia or simply the profile of a shameless liar

by Mungandi wa Muwina-Mungandi

It is a shame that Induna Katema, Mr. Mowa Zambwe, and all those other Indunas who have not disassociated themselves with his statements can choose to be so economical with the truth by trying to paint a picture that they were not part of the Barotse National Council (BNC) Resolutions, the ACHPR petition or indeed Barotseland’s UNPO membership. Read more-html Read more-pdf