Monthly Archives: April 2016

The BNFA acknowledges receipt of ACHPR’s decision on admissibility

by Mungandi Wa Muwina-Mungandi, BNFA Secretary General

The Barotse National Freedom Alliance (BNFA) has sent a letter (html version) to the Secretariat of the African Commission of Human and Peoples Rights (ACHPR)  acknowledging receipt of the Commission’s detailed report of its decision on admissibility of Communication 429/12 cited as the ‘Ngambela of Barotseland and Others v. the Republic of Zambia’. In his letter (html version) dated 6th April 2016, BNFA’s Chairman General, Honourable Clement Wainyae Sinyinda, informed the Secretary to the Commission, Dr. Mary Maboreke, that the report is under the active study of both the BNFA and Other segments of Barotseland society.


The BNFA writes an open letter to the Saa-Siikalo Kuta and calls for convening of a Pizo while standing ready to move forward without them

by Mungandi Wa Muwina-Mungandi, BNFA Secretary General

The Barotse National Freedom Alliance through its Chairman General, Mutompehi Clement Wainyae Sinyinda has written an open letter  (html version) to the Saa-Sikalo Kuta on the state of the Barotseland Nation Vis-à-Vis the BNC Resolutions of March 2012. Read more-html Read more-pdf

BNFA finally receives the ACHPR decision document on admissibility

by Mungandi wa Muwina-Mungandi, BNFA Secretary General

The long awaited Decision Document on admissibility on “Communication 429/12—The Ngambela of Barotseland and Others v The Republic of Zambia” by the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights  has today, 31st March 2016, been delivered to the Barotse National Freedom Alliance (BNFA) by courier service. Read more-html Read more-pdf